Mr. Jackson

Fife Tree Wardens

Do you have a love of trees and a few hours to spare?

Tree Wardens are local tree champions who plant, look after and stand up for the trees in their patch. The Fife Tree Warden scheme is open to anyone. No prior training or experience in tree management is needed – just a love of trees and a few hours to spare. Anyone with an interest in trees can join.

As a Tree Warden, you are not simply an extra pair of hands. You are an ambassador helping safeguard Fife’s trees, woodlands and greenspaces, helping to tackle the climate and nature crisis. Trees and woodland are located all over Fife. There are many amazing groups looking after their local trees and woodlands – but they need your help.

Fife Tree Wardens is funded by Fife Council and the Community Woodlands Association. It is part of a national scheme run by the Tree Council that supports local groups across the UK.

You could choose to focus on a particular neighbourhood or work with a local community group in your area. Volunteers within existing groups in Fife can sign up too. They will benefit from the support of a network, free training and skills sharing.

Become a tree warden

Fife Tree Wardens is open to anyone with a love of trees. You should be willing to learn and happy to work outside, sometimes in remote locations.

You should be able to give up some time (1-2 hours a month) exploring your local area and carrying out activities. You should also have a willingness to learn and be happy to work outside (sometimes remotely). No experience is necessary, there is practical help from the network and training on a variety of tree-related topics.

For more information, contact Climate Action Fife Community Tree Planting Officer Rebecca Logsdon. Email


• Discover more about tree planting, tree management, tree recording and tree protection
• Volunteer in the great outdoors
• Learn new skills and access to training
• Be part of a Fife-wide volunteer network of people interested in trees and woodlands
• Meet new people including potential to join local community/ woodland groups
• Receive a reference, certificates of attendance etc where required.

What you could get involved in

As a tree warden, you could take part in a wide range of activities. These include arranging local tree planting days, pruning, watering and caring for local trees and working with local authorities to plant and care for street trees.

You could help rejuvenate local woodlands, surveying trees to provide early warning of threats and disease and finding trees worthy of protection. You could also reach out to people by raising funds and finding land for tree planting projects, go into schools to talk about the value of trees.

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