Our vision: Connect, Grow, Thrive
Looking after trees is very important for our planet’s health. Fife Climate Forest is a partnership working together to protect the trees we already have and plant new trees. Every tree counts and even small actions can help biodiversity and combat climate change.
Connect communities together with a shared vision about trees, woods, and forests. Help nature to recover by creating bigger, better, connected areas.
Key aims:
- Encourage communities to work together to make the environment healthy and green.
- Create a place that appreciates every tree.
- Link woodlands with new trees and hedgerows to help wildlife move between them.
Grow the number of trees in Fife and help communities to care for them.
Key aims
- Plant trees in urban areas to provide shade, reduce heat, and manage stormwater.
- Combine planting trees with farming and community growing.
- Support communities to build wealth and develop skills.
Support thriving and resilient places for people and nature.
Key aims
- Improve health and wellbeing by creating more accessible greenspaces.
- Protect Fife’s trees and create woodland areas to store carbon and support biodiversity.
- Enhance the landscape by tree planting along riversides and creating hedgerows.
- Help trees to withstand climate changes, like pests and diseases.
- Promote wildlife conservation and biodiversity within Fife’s urban and rural treescapes.
HOw to get involved
Postcards from the Future competition
Entries to our postcard competition are closed. We’ve had some fantastic entries! We’ll share some of our favourites on this webpage as well as at the Big Day Oot event in Silverburn Park on Saturday 5th October.
More ways to help trees and woods in Fife
- Share your favorite woods and trees and where you would like to plant more trees and hedges through our Green Maps.
- Volunteer to plant, look after and stand up for the trees in your patch through Fife Tree Wardens.
- Encourage your community to protect and plant trees.
- Help people source free or affordable fruit trees and learn how to take care of them through A Fruit Tree for Every Garden in Fife.
- Fundraise and donate to help protect and plants trees across Fife through the Fife Tree Fund.