Mr. Jackson

Community Tree Planting and natural environment enhancement

Trees are climate allies

Trees have a vital role to play in tackling the climate emergency. They capture carbon and can also help society adapt to a changing climate. Trees reduce the risk of flooding, provide shade for wildlife, reduce soil erosion and help cool down towns and cities.

Communities in Fife have an ambition to plant a tree for every person in the region. Climate Action Fife’s dedicated Community Tree Planting Officer helps communities to develop community tree plans and establish woodlands and orchards. She also provides a link to landowners.

We offer support and training to community groups who want to plant trees on their doorstep. Use our simple Community Tree Planting guide to understand how, where and what trees to plant in your local area.

Climate Action Fife Community Tree Fund

Our Community Tree Fund aims to raise £30,000 to support tree planting projects in Fife. Donations to the Tree Fund support activities that fit under the principles of the Charter for Trees, Woods and People and which are not covered by other grants,

Fife Climate Forest

Fife Climate Forest is a partnership working together to protect the trees we already have and plant new trees. Every tree counts and even small actions can help biodiversity and combat climate change.

Fife Tree Wardens

Tree Wardens are local champions who plant, look after and stand up for the trees in their patch. The Fife Tree Warden scheme is open to anyone. No training or experience in tree management is needed – just a love of trees and a few hours to spare.

You can choose to support a particular neighbourhood or work with a local community group in your area. Volunteers with existing groups in Fife can sign up to the scheme to enjoy the support of a network, free training and skills sharing.

tree planting for Schools and Youth Groups

Tree planting is a great experience for young people. Planting trees creates a positive differences in the community and helps young people develop skills. Lots of organisations offer help to get them involved in this rewarding activity.

Tree-related training

Lots of organisations and groups offer training throughout the year to communities to help them plant and care for trees. You can find information about training events on a padlet curated by our Community Tree Planting Officer.

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