Mr. Jackson

Climate Knowhow Training

building understanding of the climate emergency

We offer a range of training sessions to build knowledge and understanding of the climate emergency. Courses are open to everyone in Fife. You don’t need to have any prior knowledge to take part. All courses are free.

We can deliver training to community groups, community councils, workplaces or third sector organisations. We also run bookable courses for individuals. Take a look at our events page for details of public courses.

We outline the training sessions we can offer on this page. To find out more or to book a session, please get in touch. Email

Fife Climate Knowhow

Our in-depth Climate Knowhow training will tell you everything you need to know to discuss the climate emergency. You will also be able to describe the actions you can take to tackle it. At the end of our course, you will have an understanding of climate science and the impact of climate change. You will have an awareness of the climate impacts of everyday activities. Our course is focused on Fife.

Time commitment: Eight hours (delivered over four two-hour modules or two half-days)

Delivery: In-person, online or mix of both. We can deliver modules flexibly to suit your diary. We can come to you, or can deliver from Greener Kirkcaldy’s office in Kirkcaldy.

Participants: Minimum 10, maximum 30.

Certified: Attendees can become certified as Carbon Literate by the Carbon Literacy Project.

More Info:  Fife Climate Knowhow

Climate Fresk

Participants work as a team to find the cause and effect relationships between 42 climate cards. They then use the cards to build a collage that explains climate change. It is a collaborative and creative approach. Climate Fresk is perfect for those who prefer more active and visual learning.

Time commitment: 3 hours

Delivery: In-person only. We can come to you, or can deliver from Greener Kirkcaldy’s office in Kirkcaldy. A set of large (A5) cards is available if required.  

Participants: Minimum 6, maximum 18 (depending on staff availability).

Certified: Not by itself. By adding modules 3 and 4 of Fife Climate Knowhow, participants can become certified as Carbon Literate by the Carbon Literacy Project. This is a further three to four hours of training.

More info: Read our Climate Fresk case study.

First Climate Conversations

This introductory session allows participants to have a climate conversation with their peers. Participants will think about why climate change is relevant to us here in Fife. The training introduces some simple climate friendly actions and gives tips on how to talk about climate change. This is a good starting point for groups who are new to the issue of climate change.

Time commitment: 2 hours

Delivery: In-person or online. We can come to you or deliver from our office in Kirkcaldy.

Participants: Minimum 10, maximum 30.

Certified: No.

More Info: The session plan is available from our resource page.

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