Mr. Jackson

Building Capacity

building capacity for climate action

Climate Action Fife is building capacity for climate action in the community and the public sector. Our partners reach different geographical areas and audiences. We are building their capacity to engage the people they work with on climate change.

Fife Communities Climate Action Network has flourished with our support. We will continue to help the network grow its membership and develop its offer to members.

We also support communities where there is no existing community action on climate change to develop climate-informed local place plans, making use of the Place Standard Tool.

Our Public Sector Engagement Coordinator is helping Fife Council and other public sector organisations to become better at addressing climate concerns. She provides training and promotes the integration of these concerns into services.

She can help community groups with climate-related projects on council land and works on improving services to support community action.

Community Engagement Forum 

Climate Action Fife’s Community Engagement Forum is an informal group set up to share ideas and resources. Meetings take place online every two months. You can find details of the next meeting on our events page.

The forum is open to all community organisations in Fife. This includes climate change organisations as well as groups who work on other community issues but want to include climate action in their activities.

Small Grants Fund

Our Small Grants Fund helps local organisations engage their community in climate action. Organisations can apply for a grant of up to £500 to support activities. Funding is available during each year of the project.

To qualify for funding, activities must engage new groups of people in the climate agenda. They should increase knowledge and awareness around the climate emergency and or increase skills and confidence to take climate action.

The fund has supported a wide range of activities. These include film showings, discussion groups and walks with a climate change theme. Read about the projects we supported in 2022.

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